Beauty In Submission

“Boys think girls are like books, if the cover doesn’t catch their eye they won’t bother to read what’s inside.” -Marilyn Monroe

Queen of the Night by Arthur Braginsky

At times, it’s easy to get caught up in a BDSM lifestyle. Submissives and Masters alike are prone to believing in the stereotypes often associated with adventurous sex lives. Living a BDSM lifestyle doesn’t always focus on sex however, leaving many men and women struggling to find how they fit into the BDSM mold. Once efforts to incorporate sex into every aspect of every single day have been exhausted, it’s understandable to be lost and confused. The definition of a submissive, or Master for that matter, doesn’t revolve around sex however but personality and overall desire.

Recently I’ve been forced to change my daily habits and this change has brought with it a new consideration into how I define myself as a submissive living a BDSM lifestyle. I’d like to pretend I don’t still struggle with the classic idea of submissive beauty… but I can’t. I see pictures of women tied up flawlessly with incredible amounts of rope, and think I don’t have a picture to match that beauty despite my Master enjoying such images. Every BDSM quote makes my blood race but also makes a part of me cringe in jealous disgust, as I don’t always feel capable of living up to such a pure idea of submission. No, living BDSM never has been an easy choice… but then again, there really wasn’t another choice to begin with.

Despite all these doubts, I’ve learned to grow confident. My Master has had to reassure me every step of the way, but I’m getting better at seeing through my feelings of insecurity. Part of being a submissive is longing to be found pleasing, and so, I’m stuck comparing myself to certain standards or concepts. The problem is… what really is the ideal submissive? Who decides what submission should look like? An easy answer would be to say my Master decides how submissive I am and what it looks like, but is this practical or even safe? If I solely define my submissive tendencies by my Master’s insight then what’s left for his discovery?

While I do certainly define certain parts of myself by my Master, I can’t define submissive beauty by his standard. I’ve never asked my Master what he considers the ideal submissive, or rather gotten no other answer than, “You.” which while sweet doesn’t help much. Being free to wander in a perpetual never ending search for what a beautiful submissive looked like, I found a surprising number of various answers. These answer caused me to delve deeper than the surface and ask the question I had been avoiding all along. I wasn’t questioning what beauty looked like in a submissive, but rather what a submissive looked like at all.

I think that’s why my Master could answer how he did every time I asked what the ideal submissive looked like to him. While I’m not the perfect submissive for everyone, I’m perfect for my Master’s needs. My Master sees me as submissive, beautiful, and therefore beautiful in my submission to him. This is also why I could never grasp my own beauty as a submissive, because I cannot physically submit to myself. As funny as it sounds, I really do believe this was the source of many initial conflicts within my mind. Now though, I’m learning to define submission in new ways.

True submission doesn’t always look well, submissive. I’m opinionated, and my Master enjoys watching me argue with his friends. On the surface, this behavior of challenging the opinion of men in particular doesn’t seem submissive in the least. Learning that such behavior is completely against my nature however, changes the issue entirely. For my Master, listening to me debate is a moment that showcases my beauty in submission. Cooking our meals might be routinely submissive to those outside the BDSM community, but it is in my knowing my Master doesn’t want to choose the food involved that really matters. The beauty of submission is definitely not what I first thought it was.

There are so many little ways I’ve learned to see submission in the daily routine. Most of these the average person could never pick up on, and many more no one but my Master will ever know to look for. My thoughts are a constant haven, though for my Master or myself I’m not sure. Submissives don’t always wear collars, rope, or even have any visible marks. Deep down though, there is a quality of submission no one will ever be able to take away. I am marked forever by my Master, and I am even more beautiful for it. True submission looks beautiful, and that’s all I ever need to remember. Beauty and submission are linked, and they go hand in hand perfectly.

That Loving Feeling

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

– Confucius-

That Loving Feeling

There are those certain sensations I can never quite work my mind around. I’m sure we’ve all felt them, those sensations that make your mind race all at once. At times, these sensations can cause some rather humorous experiences. A majority of the time though, submissives live in a perpetual prison of their own minds. Every moment there is that brief longing for another sensation to send the mind spiraling out of control. Feeling this involuntary loss of control is bliss, but at times, it doesn’t happen fast enough.

The thing about living a BDSM lifestyle is that we have to face the inescapable moments that life hands us. These are the moments where an exception is made. How often does a submissive get told never take their collar off, only to have to take it off shortly after? When do plans always go the way their supposed to? What Master doesn’t experience the same personality changes a submissive soon learns to expect?  Life is definitely filled with unforeseeable changes, and at times, these can be quite difficult to accept.

One of the most difficult things about mental BDSM in particular is being taught to crave those mind altering sensations so strongly. My Master early on taught me to long for each and every sensation. Lately however, I have had to learn that experiencing such things consistently is not possible. While my mind was working itself up to learn to crave my Master’s attention and touch at all times, my life was requiring a brief break from this lifestyle. The mental anxiety I went through before even recognizing this change was quite painful. My habits changed almost immediately, and certainly before I could even prevent such a thing from happening.

Essentially trapped in this perpetually unending change, I learned to live with the anxiety. I’ve never both wanted to shove someone away and wanted a hug from them at the same time, but I admit… it happened. Submissives like myself really struggle when we’re handed a bit of freedom or choices of any kind. My Master probably would have prevented my brief freedom or rather independence, but there was nothing to be done. Being given that freedom for two weeks only cemented in my mind that I’m a submissive. I’m a wreck with choices, I really am. Sadly though, even with my freedom, all I wanted was to crawl in a warm bed with my Master and feel some of those wonderfully freeing sensations again.

The worst part of this brief freedom was the fact I was still required to be submissive as well. A mental BDSM lifestyle does not take a holiday, and so there were inescapable limbo situations. While I craved touch, sexual intimacy, even BDSM oriented conversation to disclose more of my thoughts, I was forced to be content with making dinner and seeing my Master happy with that. The thing was even with my Master happy, I felt like I was drowning in failure. It’s amazing what a reassuring touch really means when you’ve been taught to crave it for so long.

I want those touches and feelings back, but I’m working right now to relearn suitable behavior. My Master I’m sure doesn’t appreciate what two weeks of independence did to my mental state. I’m easily frustrated now, and I bite back when offered helped. I feel I have to do things myself, because it was part of hiding my submissive nature for so long. I’m internalizing like crazy, and it was only two weeks! Defensive submissives are probably bad submissives, but all I can do is admit what happened. I’m learning to operate in my feelings of security again, but it will take time. I want my sensations back. I want the mental bliss to come back again, though I don’t know how strongly it will last this time. I’m scared of coming back to this anxiety filled place again, but at least my Master knows what I’m like and what I need to make it through.

My lifestyle is just that… a lifestyle. As difficult as this may get, as much as life seems determined to throw at me, I don’t get to stop being submissive. I guess I get the impression too many people think of BDSM as always easy, pleasant, and enjoyable. BDSM lifestyles are just as difficult as any other. My Master’s preference for mental BDSM especially may tend to make matters even more complicated. Often times, I really am a prisoner in my own mind. The nice thing is my Master can also make my mind a sanctuary. Right now though, I’m having a difficult time knowing which is which. I want a day where just the two of us can go and talk about BDSM and our thoughts and not be bothered by outside influences or interruptions… but that’s not going to happen.

I’m having to learn that sometimes the interruptions present opportunities. I don’t like that though, and I want another hug instead. Those first sensations, those first obsessive thoughts, those first ways to achieve bliss are irreplaceable. My Master leaves marks on my body no whip ever could, as the marks he leaves will never fade. I crave things I never thought with an intensity I can’t describe… and yet the craving will never be met… at least not for a long time now. It’s scary to think about that… to make room for the future lifestyle not knowing where the future will go. My Master insists I just trust him and take it day by day, but I still have troubles executing that mentally.

Life is definitely complicated for a submissive, especially one handed a momentary bit of freedom. The shift back into complete submission is difficult. Each experience leaves a mark that will never completely go away, though it can fade or change. Right now, I’m struggling to feel the same sensations that gave me a sense of security and comfort. I guess in a way, I’m overwhelmed by life. There was something so simplistic about before where all I worried about was my next hug, kiss, and weird thought. Now I’m having to learn there’s so much more intense feelings to suffer through. Being a submissive means having the confidence in my Master to know it’ll all be alright, but I can’t wait to be over this next lesson as it’s a difficult one.


Vintage Sexism

“The female is a female by virtue of a certain lack of qualities; we should regard the female nature as afflicted with a natural defectiveness.” – Aristotle


At times, being a Daddy’s girl has its particular advantages. Lately, one of those advantages seems to be in discussing feminism, sexism, and well women’s roles in general. These conversations often range from lighthearted to heated, but they’re always insightful and done with the best of intentions. One of the most difficult components of the feminist movement today to handle is their views on the overall role of women. Often citing the 50’s housewife as the perfect example of sexism, I can’t help but feel a little at a loss. As a submissive, I find myself sometimes trying to aspire to those “old” and “outdated” standards.

They say you can tell plenty about a culture through their ads. So, when I saw an article on sexist and vintage ads I just had to click through them! What’s shocking to me is that no one has ever pointed out women never found them offensive at the time. Whether some of these ads were meant to be jokes or not, they’re still floating around. Since our views can change, I thought it’d be fun to voice my own thoughts as a submissive about the nature of the ads highlighted by the article. Again, I’m not sure entirely what’s here, but there’s plenty of apparently sexist ads hanging around just waiting discovery. This should be fun!


Okay, so this ad is pretty funny to me for multiple reasons. First off, what woman can’t relate to the one meal they manage to burn consistently? Consider the fact a woman’s role was supposedly to “stay in the kitchen,” would she really burn dinner that often? Second, why is the sexist husband always drinking beer? Am I the only submissive that associates dominate men with stronger alcoholic drinks? While I don’t drink often, I do occasionally have a beer with my Master. The thing is though, I don’t feel feminine drinking a beer. I guess I don’t feel feminine drinking alcohol at all. Lastly to go along with that thought, the beer isn’t on ice. As a submissive, this bothers me immensely! What good 50’s housewife fails to serve cold beer to her worn out husband? Okay, moving on.


Yeah, apparently this is an Ivory Soap ad. What happened to these kind of ads from them? I personally love how the ad starts off, as I’m thinking how appealing that bath could really be. Ads that manage to make my mind wander to the sexual are great, but this one just turned weird. As a submissive, I have to admit, there’s no difference in weather when it comes to the housecleaning. Male or female, you’re always going to get sweaty and need that bath. I guess that’s why they make Ivory Soap, you know… to make the bath have that special “vintage sexism” feel. Also, did they really call bars of soap cakes?


So dominate men can drink something other than beer in vintage ads! For those who were like me and had no clue as to why this ad even exists, it’s for Captain Morgan’s Rum. Today, as a submissive at least, I find some of the Captain Morgan ads now even have this same sexist feel to them. This ad differs in the way it actually suggests humorously I might add, to getting a girl home for the night. As a submissive, I’d laugh if any guy tried the approach on me. While there’s a certain charm to a funny guy, this would be a bit ridiculous. I have to admit though, as a submissive woman a guy bold enough to do such a thing is probably already gotten my attention. Maybe that’s why Captain Morgan hasn’t changed their ads much, women still want a guy that takes charge once in a while at least.


After getting over this guy’s creepy facial expression, I don’t really see too much harm in this ad. I get it, feminists hate the idea of being sentenced to the kitchen. Consider though, they’re at least in the kitchen together! Husbands do often find their wife’s effort to make a nice meal sexy. I’m hardly one to hinder this natural affection and gratitude no matter how distracting my Master is occupying a space in our small kitchen. That brings up a point, how many of us haven’t heard the expression, “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Isn’t this the same sexist mentality only taught to us differently? As a submissive, I tend to think so.


Coffee, this is an ad for coffee. Today what makes this ad so shocking is the fact the wife is getting spanked. After the latest BDSM craze though, are we really that sensitive to the idea? As a submissive I’ve heard feminists and others say spanking is the equivalent to beating a woman. This couldn’t be more untrue, and I actually take offense to that extreme argument. What’s shocking to me, and I mean really shocking, is that this ad was acceptable in its own time period. Today we take offense, but back then, well, it was just another ad. Why are we growing more sensitive to such topics instead of embracing actual conversations?


Palmolive is a brand that I actively seek out for their vintage advertisements today. The company is still around, usually known for their dish soap. Their vintage ads though are the stuff of sexist legend! Personally, this ad is one of my favorites. I’m aware soap could once be considered a beauty product, but really? The bluntness of this ad is a bit overwhelming. What’s interesting though is this ad perfectly captures the argument I hear between Masters today. Many Masters debate whether they prefer an opinionated and clever submissive, or one who is simply nice to look at. The argument has apparently gone on for a long time, and doesn’t show signs of stopping.


Someone desperately needs to explain this ad to me. From what I can tell, it’s a Mickey’s Malt Liquor brand. The product seems to come in jar like bottles, so perhaps that’s the play on words? I don’t know, maybe I don’t drink enough to understand. Anyway, I love the feminists pointing out how this ad objectifies women. This ad looks no different from the ones today. I know there’s a huge argument even today, but as a submissive I’m taught to embrace my body. What’s wrong with showing off a little? What I really admire is the fact that this woman while thin, appears… humanly possible. Perhaps this ad shows we’re going backwards.


My submissive side laughs at this ad. My mind is so torn over it! On one hand I enjoy the expression, but on the other is the fact she’s next to a shoe. Do I really want to be kept in a closet? Sitting submissively at my Master’s feet is not a problem, and so I guess I fail to see the overall flaw in this “sexist” ad. What I detest more is the fact women have been stereotyped for their love of shoes in general. This does not apply to me! For once, a stereotype that doesn’t actually fit my personality! No one mentions that issue though, not when a woman might be kept at her husband’s feet. Does she even look unhappy? Ugh, I’m sure this ad makes those with a foot fetish happy though if nothing else.


This ad actually highlights the value of a submissive. The sexism here stems from the idea a woman belongs in the kitchen. In reality though, upon reading a bit more of the ad, I find men might actually take more offense to this. While I never knew Hardee’s was popular enough to advertise like this, I also didn’t know they directly targeted single men. As a submissive I find the idea of a man needing to eat out just to have a decent meal sad. Also, does anyone else find it strange Hardee’s advertises their food with the words “sloppy” and “hastily prepared,” as if it’s a good thing? I find this ad more intriguing than anything else, an interesting look into an ad meant to appeal just to men. Oh, it also makes me wonder what kind of women went to Hardee’s back then if they catered specifically to single men.


This last ad is a bit much, even for a submissive like me! I love how the words “She Doesn’t Care” are written so boldly in a feminine font. For the longest time, I couldn’t even tell what this ad was for! Well, it’s an ad for Conoco Motor Oil. Yeah, because I’m supposed to get that from this ad! As a submissive I have difficulty commenting on motor oil, as it doesn’t pertain to my sex life. Still, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to highlight such a sexually charged ad! I can certainly see a submissive woman volunteering for this supposed job. She does seem happy to be sprayed with “water” doesn’t she?

Vintage ads are always going to be both fun and startling reminders of our past. Before we view certain slogans as sexist or damaging to women though, it’s important to understand the different personalities and lifestyles we share as a society. Many of the ads here represent companies that are still around today. The backlash of these vintage ads if released in today’s society though would almost certainly mean the end. Why have we grown so sensitive to such ideas? As a female I take great pride in my ability to be upfront and honest in how I see women’s roles. There’s a comfort in addressing “female” issues. If we stopped taking so much offense, we might discover behind these ads was a man who saw the humor and ridiculousness too!


Six Common Sexual Fantasies

“No sight so sad as that of a naughty child,” he began, “especially a naughty little girl…” – Jane Eyre

Six Common Sexual Fantasies

In a weird twist of fate, I came across an article discussing the six most common sexual fantasies of women. After having briefly mentioned how I came to better understand my own fantasies, I thought sharing this article would be fun. Because I’m an open submissive, I can’t just share the article which you can read here. No, as a submissive I have to comment on each of these common fantasies. While I have yet to read what each of these fantasies are, I’m sure I’ll be disclosing some rather personal and insightful areas of my own fantasy life. That said, in no way should these six common fantasies be considered applicable to all women. The fantasies could always serve as a good conversation starter though.

Fantasy One – Being Masturbated: As a female, I can honestly say, I think we all have this fantasy in one way or another. While I definitely feel this fantasy applies, the specifics are probably a bit different than most. I find the idea of being masturbated in front of a group for their entertainment purposes highly appealing, though completely embarrassing. Ah, the struggle with my own inner desires is alive and well. Another interesting note since we’re on the subject of masturbation and fantasies is that I also have the fantasy of being made to self pleasure while my Master or whoever he chooses watches. So yes, this fantasy applies in many interesting ways.

Fantasy Two – Having a Threesome: This fantasy has so many variations I scarcely know where to start. Yes, this fantasy applies to me probably because I’m Bisexual… or just plain kinky. For me, the threesome fantasy always involved one man and two women. In some ways, a threesome happens to be a more intimate fantasy in my mind than most of my desires seem to others. Part of the threesome fantasy that could possibly make it more my own is the interesting dynamic of not choosing the event itself. In the depths of my mind, I enjoy the thought of my Master randomly having me engage in such a sexual act. Oddly enough, the threesome fantasy I have in particular remains rooted in other interplay of my submission and lifestyle.

Fantasy Three – Being Dominated: Do I even need to say this applies? I suppose not all submissives are dominated so okay, it applies! Lately, I’ve actually been examining this area of my fantasy life more closely. I do happen to fall into what the article classifies as the 28% of women with forced sex fantasies. However, I’ve learned plenty about the physical part of BDSM play in the last few months. Do I want to be whipped, spanked, tied up, and made to submit… absolutely. I also happen to know how those acts of domination correspond to the mental aspects of my submission though. In time, I’m sure I’ll get to see this fantasy become reality… and then who knows how it’ll transform and take shape!

Fantasy Four – Sex with a Stranger: In some ways, I’ve already admitted to possessing this fantasy as well. The difference in my own fantasy life is the motivation. According to the article at least, many women see this as ‘no strings attached’ sex. This does not apply to my fantasy or motivate it in any shape or form. In my fantasy my Master chooses a random partner (one he knows), and the sexual relationship or ‘random’ sex with a stranger is carried on for a length of time. Part of this fantasy does include never fully knowing this particular person, but being able to understand the ‘long term’ random stranger relationship exists. I know, it’s complicated but what can I say?

Fantasy Five – Sex in a Public Place: Much to my dismay this fantasy does apply. I’m not happy about that fact at all. I’m actually really embarrassed by the idea of being taken advantage of in public. However, the nature of the act and vulnerability involved with having sex in public is what makes the fantasy so appealing. My Master would certainly need to push my limits for this one, but I trust him to best know that process. Sex in public, or the idea of getting caught is certainly arousing. Perhaps that’s why I distinguish in my mind between getting caught, exhibitionism, and public sex. Getting caught isn’t high on my list, at least that I’ll admit to. That hinted at, exhibitionism does have a sexual appeal I can never quite figure out why to.

Fantasy Six – Romantic Sex in a Romantic Setting: Okay sure, why not have this fantasy? I have to admit, I’ve never really let my fantasies linger on the romantic. Lately though, I can slowly start to see this becoming more of a common sexual temptation. My romantic place would probably be a huge comfy bed in the middle of nowhere, and the sex would more than likely take place in the rain. Now that such a fantasy just seems odd, I hope it’s romantic too. Every woman, even submissives want to know they’re loved. Romantic sex in a romantic place, especially when sprung on the woman, is certainly a way to accomplish that.

Taking a step back from the fantasy disclosure, I can see that these fantasy all encompass various aspects of a female’s sex life. There are times I can see these things applying to all women in some aspect or another, but then again, where would the fun in that be? While I’m tempted to ask what men’s fantasies entail, I do happen to have some knowledge about that too. Talking with my Master about my own fantasy has allowed for a better understanding of how men and women differ in their mental fantasy life. To my amazement, men tend to focus on the emotion behind the fantasy not unlike females.

For me, that little bit of information was a big deal. I’ve been trying to examine how it plays into my life ever since, and then I found this article. Now, I happen to see how it could possibly be a benefit. I think men tend to understand what motivates their fantasies more than women. For a woman, that could possibly be another factor in why disclosing our fantasies can be a challenge. We struggle with wanting to be dominated, all because we fail to understand not every fantasy is motivated by a desire for sexual pleasure. At times, we can want to feel vulnerable, and in that vulnerability there is the knowledge our partner will protect us. Our heart gets to race a little faster, and that’s just fine!


The Complexity of Being Daddy’s Girl

“Behaving like a princess is work. It’s not just about looking beautiful or wearing a crown. It’s more about how you are inside.” – Julie Andrews


Being a Daddy’s girl is difficult to explain. How does a woman become a Daddy’s girl? The situation is really a perplexing one, as a Daddy’s girl is both expected and shunned by society. There will always be the cute fondness from others when they see a girl behaving like a Daddy’s girl provided its in her younger years. As a woman matures however, the traits of a Daddy’s girl turn less desirable. What was once labelled cute becomes bratty or immature. Women who desire a prince charming are told to grow up, or simply stop dreaming. At some point that’s what it really comes down to, a Daddy’s girl is told she’s too old to be Daddy’s little girl anymore.

Behind the mentality of a Daddy’s girl is something much deeper than wanting to believe in fairy tales though. While many may see a Daddy’s girl as unusually innocent, immature, bratty, or entitled, the truth can be much different. When combined with a natural BDSM tendency, Daddy’s girls are often well… complicated. It’s worth noting that to my knowledge, Daddy’s girls have always been seen as submissive in the BDSM community. This remains true, even while some today resent how Daddy’s girls seem to treat their male partners. I know there are exceptions to this, but I feel strongly these exceptions exist outside the BDSM community especially taking into account long term lifestyle choices. These same lifestyle choices often dictate how others see or interpret the behavior of a Daddy’s girl.

At the heart of a Daddy’s girl are the same desires a grown woman feels. Every Daddy’s girl wants to feel safe, valued, loved, and able to achieve their dreams. There might be a playfulness to them that is unique, but I hardly think it’s fair to say a grown woman cannot possess this same attitude regardless of age. At some point, every adult wants to play on the swing set too. Remembering that being a Daddy’s girl only highlights the desires that already exists, we can examine the complexity behind this mentality. Perhaps what’s really complex is not the thoughts or behaviors, but rather the average experience a Daddy’s girl faces throughout her life.

To start, a Daddy’s girl will grow up relatively without notice of being different. After all, little girls are expected to love and admire their fathers. Little girls can wear their hair in pigtails, dress in the frilliest of clothing, and worship the ground her father walks on, all without the suspicion of others ever being raised. In time a Daddy’s girl will grow up to incorporate her tastes into more adult avenues, also without notice. Sooner or later though, a Daddy’s girl will have to face the dating world. This is where things really do change for a Daddy’s girl, as she begins to notice how different her desires are from other girls.

At first, a Daddy’s girl will be told its cute to think of her father as her prince charming. How many times are women told they seek out men like their fathers? Somehow, this idea remains in the minds of others without incident or issue. Still, after a certain point, a Daddy’s girl is no longer able to say such a thing. A Daddy’s girl will grow up to discover that one day her prince charming is expected to be someone like her father, but yet completely different. To a girl who has idolized her father, this presents a world of problems. After all, prince charming is supposed to find the princess on his own. How many women actually find a husband this way? Anyone?

This “prince charming” issue is really the first thing a Daddy’s girl will notice. From that point forward she’ll be told she has Daddy issues, often this lasts the rest of her life. Part of the major issue behind this stage in a Daddy’s girl life is the fact she cannot date the men who will make her happy long term. Some Daddy’s girl are mature enough to notice this early on, and they find their dating world shattered. For a girl who wants to be considered normal or accepted by others, being a Daddy’s girl presents too many problems. To a Daddy’s girl, the ideal man is older, usually her father’s own age, and that is where all the problems are. This natural attraction to older men is well… creepy to her peers and unaccepted by society.

What motivates a Daddy’s girl desire for an older man will depend on the particular Daddy’s girl. However, I suspect a few of the common reasons will surprise a majority of people on the outside of this BDSM lifestyle. For starters, I feel many Daddy’s girl desire the comfort and protection they feel is provided by an older man or one their father’s age. Consider also, the probability of a Daddy’s girl having anything in common with boys her own age. If a Daddy’s girl has spent her entire life hanging onto her Daddy’s pant leg, odds are she’s quite mature for her age. This means, a Daddy’s girl will often find boys her age immature, unable to carry an interesting conversation, and even lack ambition. Whatever the case might be, a Daddy’s girl often doesn’t recognize any of these factors in her sexual identity.

Ironic as it may seem, a Daddy’s girl will often have no idea she’s also a sexual Daddy’s girl. Never do people mention the existence of a submissive Daddy’s girl. This discovery is often an occasion to be celebrated, though it might not always be applied right away. BDSM can seem frightening to a Daddy’s girl, especially one in her early twenties. Prince charming was never depicted holding a whip, and often neither does a Daddy’s girl own idea of the perfect man. The problem with BDSM is it is an all encompassing label, and because of this there are many different areas in which Daddy’s girls find themselves able to thrive.

For example, a bratty Daddy’s girl may very well look forward to her Daddy holding that whip. Many women enjoy the idea of being punished like a little girl, though some do not. A princess Daddy’s girl will often want to explore her often conflicting desire for more feminine hobbies and traits. In general, a Daddy’s girl might not even be aware of her true motivations. This means a Daddy’s girl can shift between a bratty stage and that of a princess. At the core though, there is often the need to be valued, protected, and sheltered. Daddy’s girl do not desire to be dependent on their partner or Master, it’s a trait they naturally possess.

Daddy’s girls are naturally complex, and that presents a world of problems. As much as these problems might seem difficult to the women, they’re often savored by the Daddy figures in their lives. At some point, a woman will stop caring about the opinions of others. To a submissive Daddy’s girl, all that matters is the safety and comfort she feels when Daddy holds her. Outsiders can judge a Daddy’s girl playful attitude, naive approach to life, or criticize her hairstyle, but Daddy will always be there at the center of his little girl’s world. For some, that’s all that really matters. There’s nothing complex at the end of the day, as long as Daddy’s there for his little girl to snuggle with and yes, disclose her most intimate thoughts to.

Discussing Fantasies

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized…I’m just slutty. Where’s my parade?” – Margaret Cho


Fantasies for most people remain a secret. I happen to be a visual thinker, and so I’d like to think I have it twice as bad as others. Someone mentions a harmless scene from a movie, or someone happens to make a joke that’s a little too sexy, and then suddenly I’m stuck in the middle of a vivid fantasy. This of course has nothing to do with the regular fantasy life I have. So, I’m probably always dreaming up something sexy. Discussing these sexual fantasies should be easy considering how much time I think them through. I mean, my fantasies don’t change at the core, and yet, I have great difficulty being open about them. Recently, I’ve learned to embrace discussing my fantasies, and I thought it’d be fun and helpful to share how this change occurred.

First off, it was important to recognize why I had difficulty discussing my fantasy life. I knew my fantasies weren’t anything to be ashamed of, and yet, I did feel a deep sense of shame in discussing such thoughts. After a couple months, I was able to discern this was because of my religious upbringing. Sexuality in women was not embraced in any shape or form. Women were perfect angels, sexless wonderful angels. Because of that, I never had an open sexual conversation with anyone. The only idea being reinforced was to wait until marriage to have sex, and anything done before then should be a source of shame. Needless to say, discussing anatomy was even difficult.

After recognizing one of the reasons for my insecurity, I began to try and do something to overcome the sense of shame attached to sex in my mind. No matter how hard I tried to get over my preconceived ideas, I still had trouble actively discussing my sexual fantasies. At no point did I ever feel it was the “proper time” to talk about such things. In my own way, I guess I stopped trying to become comfortable discussing my sexuality at all. For a long time, I kept quiet about my sexuality and my love of kinky lifestyles. While I explored such things through books, movies, articles, and even a few relationships, I never managed to overcome my sense of initial shame. Finally though, I stumbled upon a way to share my fantasies with myself first.

Turns out, women and men fantasize in different ways. My Master wanted to know the core reasons for my fantasies recently, and I was suddenly speechless. I didn’t know the true reasons, in fact, I’d never thought about it! All I knew was I had reoccurring fantasies many of which had common themes. While some might point out that a common theme tends to highlight a core reason for a fantasy, mine did not. For example, I have many fantasies that involve bondage or marks, but that does nothing to describe my need to feel helpless or a sense of comfort and safety. To get to that conclusion, there’s more examining that needs to take place.

One of the first things I ended up doing was taking a list of every kink out there (well as practical as was possible) and deleted everything I didn’t feel applied. This then left me with a considerably long list of random sexual fetishes and desires. Thankfully, many of these lists often included situations highlighting the behavior to a particular fantasy, in other words, it would work for men and women. In my case, I then took all the kinks and began grouping them into categories. These categories are what I consider to be my consistent fantasies. Finally, I began to understand a little better the different aspects of what was really only about five fantasies playing out in various ways.

With a better understanding of how my kinks worked together, I  was able to communicate with myself. What motivated my interest in being a Daddy’s girl? Why did so many of my fantasies feature bondage? How could shame appear as an element throughout various kinky situations? All these questions and more became obvious and unavoidable once I saw the patterns on a piece of paper. At first, my discovery remained private. It’s important to note that even though I’m submissive and open about my thoughts and emotions, my Master understands when I need time. My Master welcomes my opinion and encourages self discovery. Submissives need space to achieve a sense of discovery.

Now that I had a list broken down, a few questions of themes that stood out, and some idea as to what really motivated my passions, all I had to do was open up. Needless to say, this was the difficult part. My mind really did consider printing off the list and just dumping it somewhere for my Master to find by “accident,” which became an impossibility only because my Master knows such a thing would never happen by chance. I was stuck knowing if I really wanted to discuss my fantasies I’d have to open the door first.

Talking about sexual fantasies isn’t easy, but I managed. After a bit of time passed, I soon felt the need to discuss what I’d discovered. This initial burning desire to talk about things really helped open the door. I’d like to say I swung the door open fully one day and just lost all discomfort, but that’d be a lie. One day, after working up the courage, I managed to voice just a piece of one particular fantasy. I sat there waiting for what I thought would be the name calling, the sense of shame, the validity of my fears, and yet it never came. My Master stayed silent for what seemed like forever, and then asked a question about what I had disclosed. Slowly, he managed to pry out of me enough information until the conversation flowed smoothly.

I had managed to disclose a fantasy for the first time in my life! After knowing my Master was accepting and encouraged these disclosures, I found it easier to talk once things got started. To make starting these conversations easier, I began playing a game with myself. During the day, I’d try to think up a romantic fun way of disclosing my fantasies later. The game did make such personal disclosures fun, and soon I noticed the games weren’t necessary at all. With enough time and practice, I had overcome my initial sense of embarrassment. Now, I sometimes wish I’d shut up about my sexual fantasies… though people seem to enjoy the discussions!

My experience isn’t unique by any means, which is mainly why I’m writing this. I want my Master to understand the great difference he’s made in motivating my self discovery. If I’m lucky, his support will even manage to help others now in my disclosure through writing all this. I couldn’t have done what I’ve done without him. As much as I wanted to disclose my fantasies and understand them better, I had to also have a reason. If my Master had indicated a distaste, I’d have stopped. Instead, my Master has only been encouraging, and I’m so happy for it! I can’t wait to discover more about my fantasies now… or share them!


The Concept of Mine

“If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.” – Marilyn Monroe


Valentine’s Day can be something people really look forward to or simply dread outright. For females, the day seems to be filled with too much pressure. There are just too many standards a girl must live up to with Valentine’s Day. I know guys have it bad, but has anyone ever considered the emotional turmoil women go through on Valentine’s Day? Women are simply evil in how they treat other women! No other day of the year would a woman ask another about her love life or relationship. That’s not the end of it though, women want to know everything!


The moment a guy gives a girl flowers for Valentine’s Day, he starts a chain of events wherever that female is currently at whether at home or the workplace. Women instantly have to inspect the flowers, and then compare them to the others around. After that, there will be the questions. I just can’t go into enough detail about these questions women ask other women on Valentine’s Day. Trust me, I feel bad for the men, but being a woman on Valentine’s Day isn’t always wonderful either!


As a submissive, there’s a rather interesting problem with Valentine’s Day. For those involved in a BDSM lifestyle at least, there are actually many difficulties. If a submissive, like myself, takes pride in cooking breakfast for her Master, is it necessarily a good idea for him to serve his submissive breakfast in bed? Could a Master even surprise his submissive with a gift if she’s to always be by his side? Not to mention, what would that gift be? Many women find themselves receiving or buying sexy lingerie, but many submissives go without clothing. Jewelry, makeup, flowers, candy, and more are all subject to the particular tastes and house rules a Master sets up.


So what does a submissive look forward to on Valentine’s Day? I’ve been thinking plenty on this, as it’ll be the first Valentine’s Day I’ve ever spent with my Master. Deep down, I’ve really wanted to buy him a gift… but I have a problem. I don’t have money to do so. It’s not that I can’t, it’s just one of the house rules oddly enough. I’m not good with money anyway, and I don’t desire to have any control over the finances. When occasions like this come up though, I wish I could buy my Master something nice. Then again, I run into similar problems as to what to buy him. I can’t just take off to the store and buy his gift, and any money I ask for he’d know my intentions instantly. At least he smiles whenever I tell him what I’d like to do… that amused smile… because he knows there’s no way I’m going to get to do it!


While I contemplated what Valentine’s Day would be like as a submissive, I couldn’t help but think about those disgusting heart candies. As a child I always somehow got a box of those on Valentine’s Day. There’s a reason stores are always left with more of these horrible candies than they can sell! Who in their right mind likes these candies? Even as a kid I didn’t eat them, but I did happen to admire the sayings written on them more than most…. probably because again I found them inedible. Time after time, I came across those hearts that had be mine written on them. In a strange way, that little saying stands out in my mind now years later. The word mine is inescapable around Valentine’s Day, and the word also has quite the meaning to a submissive and Master both.


Mine, the one word that can make a submissive’s heart race. On Valentine’s Day people will toss around the phrase like it’s no big deal, but this year, this year will be different for me. The word mine has changed in meaning, and evolved to include vastly different sides of the same coin in my mind. I’m now careful when I use the word, and yet I’m not sure when this really started to happen. At no point did my Master sit me down and discuss the Concept of Mine 101. Nope, I doubt there even is such a thing. For submissives though, especially on Valentine’s Day, the concept of possession might be a good focus to keep from going crazy.


First off, I’m going to highlight the least common aspect of the word mine… the viewpoint of a submissive. So many times I read about the Master’s view and application of the word, and then find disappointment with the view of the submissive left out completely. It’s important to remember that while submissives and their Masters often share experiences, we still can discuss the varying applications in our minds. This is after all, a fascination to many both within the community and outside of it. People want to know what a submissive thinks, and they want to know what motivates a Master as well.


To me at least, mine is a word that’s hard to use. At the core of many BDSM dynamics, a submissive cannot possess belongings. Nothing is owned by a submissive. Because of this, I have a difficult time with the concept of mine. The bed I share with my Master for example is hardly able to be described as mine. While the bed is certainly my bed, I can’t really get over calling it mine in any sense. There are plenty of things this applies to, and it highlights another interesting problem with Valentine’s Day. If I don’t own anything, why buy me a gift? The gift itself would transfer to my Master’s control. Essentially, my Master could be seen to just be buying a gift for himself. This seems silly, and I know I have possessions I’m allowed, but those are allowed. There’s a distinct difference in my mind.


As a submissive, I’ve learned the word mine can be exciting. My Master sees myself as his. This possession is deeper than the typical be mine expression. To a Master, there is also the concept of mine. While not seemingly romantic, a Master sees his submissive as a true possession. I am owned by him. I am no longer in control of my own life, as that is his too. To my Master, mine I’m sure is a word of great significance. It’s interesting the extent to which I understand this concept within him. Never have really spoken about it in great detail, but I’ve learned it in the other lessons and daily routines we share. My Master feels confidence in the word mine, while I find comfort and security in it.


So, for those living a BDSM lifestyle, there’s an exchange that no doubt takes place. All this process really happens to be is the same coin flipping sides in the air. A Master secures his submissive’s need to feel owned, while the submissive equally gives of herself the only thing she has to give… herself. It’s interesting, many Masters have contracts with their slave over their ownership. I can easily see renewing such contracts over Valentine’s Day. A weird form of love, but hey, it works for those involved! Since I don’t have a contract because I’m not in control of my freedom and never will be, this option isn’t available to my Master and I. What will we do then? Well…


I imagine Valentine’s Day will be full of changes. Ideally, we’ll share an intimate discussion over breakfast as usual. In that conversation we’ll talk about anything and everything. I’ll pour my heart and soul out to him, and he’ll savor every bit of my essence. See, that’s how I can show my Master I love him. The more open and revealing I am, the more I reveal my dependency and vulnerability. My Master understands this is a need within me. After I’ve discussed whatever feeling has surfaced, my Master will make sure I feel his ownership. I will be his. My Master will be able to say he owns me in the best way possible. What more could a submissive want for Valentine’s Day?

BDSM Themed Books

“And she was mine, she was mine, the key was in my fist, my fist was in my pocket, she was mine.” – Lolita


Books have always impacted me as a person, and so BDSM books should be no exception. The exact impact of a book though often remains unspoken. These are special bonds known only between the book and myself. When my Master first recommended certain books, I was thrilled. BDSM themed books had always intrigued me, but I never knew where to start. After reading my first BDSM recommended book however, I quickly noticed a difference. Turns out, BDSM books can bring out emotions, thoughts, and longings that cause very real physical effects on the reader. It’s these impacting stories I want to share a little more about. Like I’ve said before, my Master recommends books and I enjoy reading them. Finally, I’m able to discuss the impact of these stories though not entirely easily.


The first story I was ever recommended by my Master was the Story of O. Now it’s important to note, my Master wasn’t entirely in ownership of me yet. I’d asked for a recommended book, and he had simply chosen that one. Reading the Story of O was a torture he could have savored all on its own! At the time, I was so intrigued by the story I couldn’t set it down. Looking back at it now, I probably should have stopped reading the story. There were so many moments I wanted to toss the book at the wall, but I’d always go and pick it back up. The scenes in this book consumed my thoughts. Being really transparent, I went into a depression after reading the Story of O. Turns out, there are also toxic BDSM relationships. For me, this story highlighted the fact I needed out of a very toxic previous BDSM relationship. Needless to say, it took time. There were parts of the Story of O I fully enjoyed, and parts I wanted to embrace.

The Story of O highlighted the extreme measure of my submission. So many of my emotional responses, my problems at the time, were caused by this subtle recognition within myself. O’s submission is one of extreme devotion, and as such she is forced to endure sadistic pleasures until she breaks and cries. For me, this was such an intriguing concept. I was scared and yet thrilled at this kind of dominance. There suddenly became a longing to wear marks, a brand, and anything that would declare the same kind of submission. I understood so little then reading the book for the first time. Now I know the true impact the book really had on my submissive self. What the book did was highlight in me the need to be fully dependent.

All the parts of the Story of O I had hated on my first reading of the story, I later came to understand and face. My Master has seen to it that these fears are no longer fears at all. I was terrified of being given away, and yet I understood the concept of being submissive even to that extent. He explained this concept to me multiple times, until finally, I understood. I feared being branded, but my Master has always said I would be marked so. It’s amazing how you stop fearing what is inevitable. I’ve now learned to crave such a mark openly. The hardest part, the extreme almost sadistic beatings O endured, I’ve learned not to fear those as well. My Master has no desire to see me marked to such an extreme. It was the concept for O as much as I require my own daily reminder of submission. I will be marked, but nothing cruel that I can’t handle. My Master knows my limits, and he knows the true motivations deep within the core of my being.


The first true book I was recommended by my Master as his submissive was the infamous Tarnsman of Gor. Interestingly enough, he told me there would be no overly apparent BDSM sex scenes in the book. Instead, I would do well to pay attention to the themes and mental aspects of the slave girls in the Gorean universe. Little did I know that these Gor novels actually have their own culture of BDSM attached to them. I would have been intrigued in an instant knowing such a thing, but I remained ignorant of such facts until later. At the time of my first reading, at least to me, a kajira was simply an unknown word. Needless to say, I fully enjoyed reading the Tarnsman of Gor.

My Master was of course right, there are so many interesting concepts about slavery and the nature of women to be found in this book. Never had I wanted to be part of a different universe as badly as I wanted to fit into the Gorean world. I could easily see myself in such a society, and there would be no judgment for my nature being what it naturally is. I grew to love the term kajira. In fact, I began to associate the term with myself. Using everything at my disposal, I tried to become as kajira like as possible. I shouldn’t have done this, but I think it was a natural reaction. My Master would have told me if he wanted me to do such things, but he never did. He was quite pleased to discuss the book and its themes, but he had no desire to practice a Gorean themed BDSM.

Learning about the Gorean culture of BDSM has been quite thrilling and fun. I see in it aspects of myself, while at the same time, quite a bit of different opinions. The Gor books highlighted only one aspect I was still dealing with from the Story of O’s impact… branding. My Master found my strong response to the idea of a brand amusing, but he was patient and honest with me. Together, we were able to work through my difficult emotions. Perhaps I owe the Gor books that credit and recognition. The Tarnsman of Gor allowed me to open up more about my ideas on submission and the nature of women. My Master and I still discuss Gorean concepts, and I simply love the artwork too… but that’s another story!


How do I properly describe my first reading of Nine and a Half Weeks? When my Master recommended this book I’ll be honest, I was afraid of it being too much like the Story of O. I wasn’t ready for another emotional rollercoaster, but I read the book anyway. This time, I would at least have my Master there to talk to. Talking to my Master turned out to be a great thing, because I needed it! Nine and a Half Weeks isn’t as drastic as Story of O, and I found myself enjoying the book. The problem I had with this book wasn’t actually the BDSM theme or scenes in it, but rather the emotions it dragged out of me naturally so. I became oddly frustrated with my submission in comparison to this book’s main character.

Nine and a Half Weeks really does a good job of showcasing an every day type submission. The book highlights how BDSM can include every day routines and habits, with a Master pulling the exact strings behind how they’re done. I loved that about this book, and perhaps that’s why I noted the physical BDSM as well. At the time, I was getting accustomed to my new role as a submissive in my Master’s household. My Master was teaching me that BDSM could be loving, and didn’t need the physical. Essentially, my Master didn’t want me to equate abusive physical BDSM with true submission. Reading Nine and a Half Weeks only pointed out the absence of this physical BDSM in my life, and I longed for it.

I realize now I wasn’t ready for such things, my Master does and did know best. Imagine his surprise though when I cried endlessly one night, because I had read Nine and Half Weeks and wanted the extreme marks. What my Master did to comfort me in that moment well, was perfect long term. Only recently have I learned the true impact of that breakdown. Reading Nine and Half Weeks did an interesting thing though, it pointed out how a submissive and Master can have both mental and physical BDSM habits. At the time I longed for the physical, but that was because I had the mental. I didn’t realize that until much later, but looking at things now, I’ll take that realization quite happily.


Ah, my most recent read, and my favorite book by far at the moment. I found this book on my Master’s bookshelf after we decided to organize everything. He saw my interest, and recommended it. For a couple days I debated actually reading it, and then finally picked up the book intending to finish it. Whatever I expected from the book initially quickly disappeared after the first few pages. This book was different from the others, as I found the BDSM a side plot. The book had a bigger story to tell than the story of a submissive and how she became involved with her Master. Needless to say, I responded better to this story as I was able to absorb and separate myself from the BDSM elements.

Interestingly, when I went to discuss the book with my Master, he told me it wasn’t time. Turns out, he worried I’d have another breakdown similar to that of when I read Nine and a Half Weeks. My Master had the foresight to let me know he couldn’t hold me up at the moment, and that I should stop reading. Something inside told me to keep reading though, and that something proved correct. The more I read of this book, the more I understood about myself. In a moment of irony, the more I understood the more I felt the need to talk to my Master. This gave him the impression that I was on the brink of another emotional spiraling.

Well, one day he walked into the kitchen, to find me with a weird expression on my face. Worried about that look, as it really is reserved for those moments of clear BDSM and submissive understanding, he asked if I needed to talk. Knowing it wasn’t an issue, I told him when he had a long moment, I’d talk. While it took some reassuring, he soon trusted my judgment… though I know he watched me carefully. What I didn’t count on was my own need to talk. I felt a physical need to tell him of my new understanding. So, after getting his permission, I crawled out of bed at three in the morning, and wrote everything down for him. Setting the letter on his computer, I could finally sleep peacefully. Ironically, Topping from Below highlighted my need for true dependence, my insecurity at saying so, and I finally grasped the point of physical BDSM mixed in with the mental.

I’ve learned so many things from the time I read the Story of O until completing Topping from Below. My Master and I would have so many conversations about the impact BDSM books had. I complained such books often lacked a happy ending. I hated how they highlighted the sadistic nature of physical BDSM. Deep down though, I really was voicing how I struggled to comprehend such aspects on my own. I have changed a great deal since this journey with BDSM books started. Nothing would have ever prepared me for so many changes! Each book though remains a part of my submissive self now. I cannot take back the first impression these books left with me, and I wouldn’t even want to!

What I find so interesting is the fact I’m the one that changed. When I look at O’s story for example, I view it in a different light now. Her Masters weren’t as cruel as I first imagined. The relationship in Nine and a Half Weeks highlights a working BDSM relationship that goes a little well… extreme. Tarnsman of Gor, well, that book just gets to remain special. If anything, the Gor novels have become more important, more interesting, and I enjoy them immensely. Topping from Below, the book is special because it highlighted for me my understanding. The book is dark and I would have had problems with it, but by now, I’ve changed enough. I understand how all these books address various aspects of BDSM. Perhaps, books like these, are really meant to be read together.



Feminism, Housewives, and Submission

“When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.” – Bette Davis


Today there’s a big emphasis on feminism within our culture. There are ideas about what it means to be a woman, and often times, submissive women find themselves right at the forefront of such discussions. Sadly, many submissives fail to communicate their views. This happens for many reasons, perhaps the biggest being it’s hard to speak up when we simply long for the approval of others around us. Often times, submissive women are blamed for what’s wrong with society. Essentially, one cannot be both a submissive and a feminist. While there are many different viewpoints to this argument, many generalizations or stereotypes, I’m still a submissive whose Master encourages debate. I can’t help voicing my opinion sometimes, and this is one of those topics I’m always excited to discuss.

My childhood impacted my views on feminism a great deal, though I never recognized it at the time. Growing up in a religiously conservative household, I was expected to aspire to the role of perfect housewife. This troubled me greatly even then, as I knew I could never live up to such expectations. Looking at things now, I realize it was ridiculous to think I’d want to be a housewife at the age of ten. No child longs to do the housecleaning, or even laundry. Besides, I didn’t even want children at that point. How could I really have ever longed to be the perfect ideal woman? That was the problem though, whether I wanted it or not, I was expected to aim for such an ambition. Housewife wasn’t a choice, it was simply something all women became.

As I grew older, I began to realize my sexuality took a more submissive route. This time, I longed to be a submissive. Even then, I wanted to live a full BDSM lifestyle. The initial problem with this line of thinking however remained the fact I was a bad potential housewife. I still hated laundry, dishes, cleaning, and my cooking skills were a little lacking. No, I wouldn’t have made a good housewife even as a submissive. Plus, I don’t care how hard you try, you’re never going to make cleaning sexually exciting to an eighteen year old. With my prospects of becoming the ideal woman slowly diminishing, I learned the most important lesson for the years to come. I had a choice.

Part of my views on feminism today remain rooted in the idea that women should have a choice. At the heart of every feminist should be that same view. What matters isn’t if a woman can be the perfect housewife, but rather, that she chooses to embrace such a role or would rather pursue something else. If a woman wants to be the bread winner instead of the one staying home, she should have the opportunity to do so. My problems initially were not that I didn’t want to be a housewife, but that it was expected. I resented the idea, because I thought I could do and be so much more. At that age I dreamed, and there’s nothing wrong with dreaming even still. When I learned of my submissive nature, I didn’t let it stop me from aspiring to be whatever I wanted. In fact, acknowledging my submissive nature helped matters!

Now I know I’m going to probably make plenty of women mad, but I have to admit, a part of me has always wanted to be a housewife. As much as I resented the idea in my childhood, I embrace it now as a submissive. I don’t want another woman taking care of my Master better than I can at home. While this has nothing to do with an insecurity on my part, it has everything to do with my pride and self esteem. Yes, submissives have pride… shocking to some I know. My source of pride comes in my Master’s satisfied smile. I love when he hugs me while making dinner. I love how he stares at me in silence when I ask what he even wants for dinner. There’s just an amusement between us that words fail to capture over my involvement in the kitchen.

I should note, I never started out wanting to embrace cleaning. I’m a messy person by nature. If I’m left to fend for myself, I tend to have organized chaos. Nowadays though, I keep a relatively clean household. I’m so proud of that fact. You know what, it makes me feel sexy too! Keeping a clean house matters to my Master, he sees it as something to be highly valued. While we’ve had to work on my natural tendency toward messiness of all kinds, things have always been my choice. I get to decide if I dump my things on the floor. I have a choice of whether or not I cook breakfast. At no point did my Master force me into becoming a housewife. While I know many women would hate this kind of life, it’s perfect for my own well being. The point is, every woman should be allowed to feel sexy. Some women feel sexy in an office, I feel sexy in a clean kitchen… or bedroom… or bathroom.

For those interested, I can try to describe how I, a messy submissive, became a somewhat cleaner submissive. This has been an amazing accomplishment on the part of my Master. I’m not sure I ever caught on to the fact he was making me a cleaner person, but he most definitely has chosen this route. Funny thing is, I would have chosen the same thing. At the end of the day, I’ve always wanted to be a woman who can keep a presentable house and be a source of pride for her husband. My nature just seemed so contrary to that. Somehow, my Master has found a way to change my lifelong habits. So, here’s how he’s managed to do that through my own eyes. I’m sure there’s stuff I’m not seeing, but I take pride in mentioning the things I’m aware he does do… if only after the fact.

When we first started, Master gave me one space to keep clean. This was our bedroom, and he didn’t tell me to expressly keep it clean. No, he’s far too smart for that. What he told me was to make the space mine. He wanted me to make the bedroom a nice space for both of us, and so I did so. Over time, I learned to keep the clothes organized. I decorated the room as nicely as I could without cluttering the entire feel of the room. When things became too messy, I even cleaned up the space. Never once did I notice this was a change in myself. I never equated clean bedroom with a presentable one made my own. Nope, I was blissfully unaware of my Master pulling strings in my mind.

After a bit of time, my Master started to incorporate other rooms into the make it my space idea. While I didn’t get used to it, he was adamant the kitchen should be the next room in particular. Interestingly enough, the one problem I ran into at this stage was how differently I do things. My Master found I have a very different definition than he does to what classifies as clean. There were plenty of times I’d groan in frustration as he cleaned an area I had just cleaned myself! Nothing is more humbling than watching your Master clean a space you’ve just cleaned! I felt embarrassed. I was upset at myself for being messy. More importantly, I became dedicated to understanding these subtle differences between us.

With enough patience, the kitchen soon became a space I was okay in. I could function in the kitchen. Enough of the kinks have been worked out to where my Master no longer has to clean up after I’ve cleaned. Along with keeping the kitchen came weekly housecleaning days. Now, my Master helps during these days and always has. He does not see this as my sole responsibility. That said, I did not like these weekly cleaning days. I tried to get out of them at every opportunity. Now though, if I let one of the weeks go by, I start to notice the little details. I wish I could forget them… but I can’t.

So, nowadays, I wake up and I make our bed. Prideful event number one for the day. I know it’s a small thing, but I never used to even make my bed! After all, you’re just going to pull the blankets back later right? Anyway, then I do the dishes. Accomplishment number two for the day. After dishes is the cooking of breakfast, and therefore success number three. All these wonderful feelings of pride before the afternoon! I’m not kidding, it does wonders for self esteem and the motivation for the rest of the day’s work. One of my favorite moments to the whole thing though, my Master and I eat breakfast and talk. We talk about anything and everything, and in that moment I see he’s happy. He knows the kitchen is clean, the room is presentable, and he knows the smile on my face… well he put that there.

To close, this isn’t the typical view of feminism, or the perfect housewife, or even the ideal submissive. What I’ve shared is simply how I’ve learned to deal with embracing both aspects. Not a single day goes by where I feel less. My Master doesn’t treat me as subhuman, but rather, he helps me embrace the qualities I long to have. As a submissive, I have to admit the parts of myself I like, and the ones I’m apprehensive about. My Master was able to see I longed to be a housewife, but feared being unable to live up to such expectations. When I said I didn’t want to be a housewife, he really knew and understood why. Now, I get to feel and embrace everything about my messy nature… and feel sexy when I manage to keep things presentable anyway.


Thirty Days of Kink: Day Thirty – Mental BDSM

“Whatever BDSM/kink related thing you want to write about.”


Deciding what to talk about after discussing so many topics has been quite difficult. I wanted to discuss what I’ve learned through completing this blog challenge, but then again, there’s so many other topics to go along with that. After thinking about it for a bit, I wanted to touch on the one topic that’ll sum up many of my views, experiences, and lessons over this blog project and first year of submission with my Master. My views of what BDSM entails, and what it even looks like have been dramatically impacted. My thoughts have changed, my understanding has grown, and I’d like to share those changes as I think they’ll interest many living a BDSM lifestyle.

When I was first told I would be living a BDSM lifestyle, I thought certain things. I had ideas about what I’d be wearing, how I’d be spending my day, and how my Master would interact with me. Quite quickly I learned that my Master had no desire to learn what these impressions were on my part. While he listened, while he was curious, at the end of the day, I was his to do with as he pleased. The choice of how I was “officially” submissive was his alone to make. I had given up that choice to him, and as a result had to simply trust the direction we would head in. Quite quickly, I discovered my Master was taking me to unknown places, and many of these places didn’t seem to be within my initial views of what submission entailed.

To start off with, I thought submission required a certain outfit or look. Yup, I thought a submissive had bonds on them, wore leather or sexy lingerie, and above all, I thought they spent a majority of their time tied up or on their knees. Such a view seems funny to me now, but I know where these ideas came from. Initial searches of the word submissive or BDSM turn up such results. In other words, I had ideas of what BDSM should look like on a surface level. Never had I actually lived a full BDSM lifestyle, and not doing so had warped my views of such things. Needless to say, I was shocked when my Master kept me unclothed, by his side in a chair, and allowed me the freedom to write at my leisure.

Given those privileges, I felt like a bad submissive. I wasn’t whipped regularly to remind me of my place. I wasn’t corrected for disobedience (at least in my mind). There were no spankings, no harsh words, and no bondage sessions. Instead, I found my Master to be quite intimate. His touch was gentle but insistent, a touch I easily longed for. The way he kept me at his side and cuddled endlessly with me thrilled my mind and soul. I cannot describe the vast difference such a soft seeming form of dominance was to me. This happened every day, never once did it change no matter how much I begged. Why did I beg to change what I enjoyed? Because I thought it wasn’t BDSM. I was afraid of not fitting the ideal definition of submissive.

Somewhere along the way I did many searches for BDSM themed images and quotes. I missed the common thread of what those quotes said. Instead, I focused on pictures and quotes of what I thought BDSM was. Physical BDSM was all I knew, and even that was a stretch. No one had ever told me there were other forms of BDSM. My Master told me he enjoyed a different form of BDSM, but I didn’t fully grasp such a concept. I thought, even with mental BDSM, I would feel the dominance. That’s the appeal of mental BDSM though, a submissive doesn’t always become aware of their submission right away. My Master was good at what he did, and I didn’t feel it at all. I was changing and learning, but failed to notice the overall way he dominated me.

Throughout the course of this last year, I lost some abilities. Okay, I gave them up to my Master (or rather he took them). One of the abilities I lost was to brush my own hair. Brushing my own hair is forbidden, and trust me, my Master notices if I do. This started without a firm rule set into place. After a bath one day, my Master simply brushed my hair for me. He told me he enjoyed doing so. That was all it took for him to take away my ability to brush my hair. The longer I let him brush my hair, the more my own choice to do so vanished. Eventually, I realized I couldn’t pick up the brush on my own. My Master never even had to say not to, he simply had to impact my daily routine.

Another thing that changed was my alone time. I’m not sure what alone time is anymore. My ideal alone time involved cuddling my Master, or perhaps writing while right beside him. I’m a part of my Master and much as he is a part of me, and so there is no separation. To others, this version of alone time seems absurd. Trust me though, I don’t handle being apart from him well. Because I don’t want to be apart from my Master, he’s been able to dramatically impact my habits. There are so many things he’s changed for the better. He impacts how I work, how I sleep, how I think, and how I daydream. All of these changes are positive, and were never felt during their transition. I was completely dominated, and never knew it.

This new form of dominance, once discovered and able to be seen in myself, dramatically changed how I see submission and BDSM. Mental BDSM is certainly a term I’ve come to view with endearment. That original picture of a submissive though, well that has changed. I’ve thrown away the stereotypes of what it meant to be a submissive. That’s the thing about living a BDSM lifestyle, not everyone is meant to live the same way. We all have different kinks and motivating fantasies, and because of this we have varying views of what submission looks like. Now, the way I see submission is best summed up in a quote… not an image. Perhaps the best quote is this: “She knew she loved him when home went from being a place to being a person.”