Thirty Days of Kink: Day Twenty Seven – Non Kink Interests

“Do your non-kink interests ever find their way into your kinky activities? If so, how?”

PygmalionGirodetTrioson by  Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson

With so many interests, I can only suppose a few of them were bound to find their way into my kinky activities. At first, there was a huge desire within myself to force my interests into kinky activities. I was a little silly in that regard, but I didn’t exactly know how to advertise being submissive. Most of these initial interests were faded out of the kinky activities, as they didn’t belong there at all. The more confident I became in my identity as a submissive, the more my non-kink interests seemed to become separated in my mind. Interestingly though, I’ve managed to still keep what I think are core non-kink interests throughout my kinky lifestyle.

History – One of the first loves in my life was history, which started out as a specific interest in mythologies. Why anyone insists their impressionable child should read mythology stories, I’m not sure but it probably has something to do with the noticeable impact. Even though I was too young to understand many of the nuances, the pictures of the books alone were enough to make my mind wander. I remember having an odd fascination with the sirens of Greek Mythology, the mermaids of Irish Lore, or the story of Horus’s conception in Egyptian Mythology. All these stories seemed to have amazing works of art featuring scantly clad women which I admired. All I know is the interest has stayed with me into adulthood, and has been easily incorporated into my kinky activities.

While it might be difficult to see an interest in mythology as easily fitting within a kinky lifestyle, the interest goes deeper than that for me. On a personal level, exploring different mythological stories has opened the door to a broader comfortability in discussing human sexuality. At first, the stories allowed for a separation when discussing such topics. Today though, I’ve grown more comfortable examining ancient views of sexuality in comparison to my own. This comfort in discussing and analyzing my kinky interests has become invaluable. History can be exciting on multiple levels, and that does continue to include my sex life.

Reading – Probably alongside my interest in history remains an avid devouring of books. Even as a child, I read anything I could get my hands on. Unfortunately, kinky books seem to fall unexpectedly into my lap. As early as I can remember, I’ve had a terrible problem with finding kinky and erotic sex scenes in the books I choose. Initially, such books left a blush on my face so red others had to know what was going on. While no one ever pointed out my embarrassment, that also meant I was left helplessly navigating the world of adult literature by myself. Book after book I devoured always seemed to have some sexual element to it that later shaped my own kinky interests.

Each book I read leaves an impression in my mind, and some are savored for years. As a young teen, I came across Carmilla while pursuing my love of vampire literature. The lesbian themes in that book made my mind wander throughout my high school days. By then though, I had discovered other unexpected gems. I’ll never forget my first read of the book Aztec, a book that I found myself unable to put down despite the social taboos and erotically written scenes throughout. In the depths of my mind these scenes and those like them easily came to life.

Today, my Master and I share our love of books and reading. I’m quick to devour any title he recommends, and even more thrilled when these books have a BDSM theme to them. The books directly open the door to conversation topics that may otherwise not come up easily. While I’m getting better at voicing any kinky thought, I still take comfort in the excuse to bring up such topics. Books specifically dealing with BDSM themes have allowed for later analogies as well, which helps at times in expressing my own views or emotions while I may not know how. Reading has actually become a huge wonderful addition to my kinky lifestyle.

Writing – To go along with my devouring of books is my love of writing. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and these days I’ve seen such a goal become reality. Focusing on erotic books, I can’t help but notice the direct impact this interest has on my kinky endeavors. Now not every story showcases my own views on what I consider erotic, but there’s a certain unique thrill in the ability to write my personal fantasies down in detail for my Master to read. My love of writing though has recently taken a more valuable turn in being integrated into my kinky life.

This blog has blossomed out of my love of writing. I express myself better in written word at times more than spoken. Because of that, this blog has become a sort of safe place. When I write these posts, I simply let my soul pour out. Never do I worry about perfectly formed sentences, but rather, I treat this place like a personal diary. At times, I can’t wait to write another blog update. Sharing this blog with my Master has given it another level of incorporation into my kinky lifestyle. While he reads every post, I’ve never felt hindered by that fact. At the end of the day, I actually treasure the opportunity to express myself how I feel I communicate best. Plus, it’s nice to look back on my progress too.

Art – Mentioning this blog has made me realize another unique interest only recently incorporated into my kinky life. Artwork has always been a painful interest of mine. If I could I’d be a wonderful artist, but this talent is not mine to possess. I enjoy painting, decorating, drawing, even the weird smell of crayon mixed with ink on some poor piece of heavy paper. Knowing my interest in art would always remain amateur at best though, I’ve focused more on discovering how styles have progressed over the years. Discovering a new painting I love is worth every painstaking effort.

Getting to include art on this blog has opened the door to incorporating art into a kinky lifestyle. Many people choose to include pictures and kinky photo albums in their BDSM life, but paintings are often another story. I’m the kind of person that enjoys a nude portrait decades old with a romantic backstory on the living room wall. In a way, I suppose that once again incorporates history into this too. Often, paintings have amazing historical significance or backstories. I’ve gotten to finally include this interest into my kinky life, although in a small way.

There are so many more interests I could discuss, but in time, I’m sure they’ll all become linked. Non-kink interests being incorporated into a kinky lifestyle can only add depth to such relationships, and perhaps make it easier for others to understand or relate to later down the road. For now, I really enjoy discovering how I’m able to make such interests my own while living a kinky BDSM lifestyle. So many people look at the BDSM community with a cookie cutter attitude, and it’s refreshing to remember that our interests unite us but don’t have to define every little detail of our lives. At the end of the day, I’m a submissive but I’m also one of a kind.

The Identity of a Slave

“It’s beautiful when you find someone that is in love with your mind. Someone that wants to undress your conscience, and make love to your thoughts.”

First Kiss of Eve

While slaves have their own personality, their identity is a questionable topic. For many looking into this life, the topic of identity is important. One can wonder like I did, if I must lose my sense of self. After all, there is the preconceived notion that a Master is out for himself. I can understand this way of thinking, at least to those new to this idea.  All one sees is a slave taking commands, having what appears to be no say, and performing sexual acts, sometimes publicly . Because of the nature of the slave-Master relationship, many people only see this side of it. Which honestly, makes plenty of sense, as even Masters want some sense of privacy. This may be a small amount of privacy, but it may hinder being able to show the nature of the slave-Master relationship to outsiders.

What I mean, is really quite simple. Publicly, I am introduced as simply slave. This is a natural thing, and it strips me of all identity. I love this act, I understand this, and more importantly, it is clear to others. To others, my identity is in my Master, and this is honestly, bliss in my eyes. I feel strongly a slave reflects in her actions, the tastes and personality of her Master. Some people find this extremely uncomfortable however. Honestly, I can see why, some people have a hard time processing owning another human being. It’s ingrained in many people, that the word slave itself is even bad. Because of this, and I’m sure for many other reasons, slaves are given a name. I would call it a first name, but this is not true, slaves have one name only. My Master chose my first name, and I accept it with pride, there is meaning to it.

I’m sure this is not the case for every slave, but for a majority, I would guess it so. When it comes to myself, when speaking of myself, I prefer the title of slave. What others don’t realize is I say slave, but really mean slave of my Master. Who am I, I am the slave of my Master. That is the only identity I care about, and the only one I need concern myself with. Phaedra is a loving name, and a source of pride certainly. There’s the temptation though, in the long run, to form an identity to it. I have no desire to form an identity like that, if it comes to it, let Phaedra be linked forever to the name of my Master. If people ever discuss me, let them think instantly that I am Doera of Phaedrus. At times, having a name is simply practical, though I may be surprised with its other uses later.

One thing that I actually want to include in this, is strictly to show the nurturing of my Master. I cannot stress enough, my Master is kind, caring, and finds value in me. My Master allows me to speak freely, which may surprise a few people. Yes, he allows me to speak my mind, but I am well aware of my place. I will not explain that dynamic now, but it is one that is quite interesting on a personal level.  While I speak my mind, we share past experiences, views on topics, and even tastes in general. Sometimes, this leads to surprisingly intimate moments, which surprised even me at first. We can give nicknames to each other, freely, and it makes us both smile. I treasure those little nicknames, and my Master has said he treasures his as well. I would never share these unless commanded, as they are that special, at least in my mind.

While people may be under the impression slaves lose their identity, it’s simply not the case. In reality, slaves strengthen their identity, when they are known by their Master. My Master knows who I am, and while I reflect his tastes, I do not reflect him in personality, behavior, or goals. I am slave, but that is who I have wished to become my whole life. For a slave like myself, I had to build up so many defenses, just to function, before I was owned. To me, that is a way to truly lose oneself, ones true identity, and ones quality of life. Living a lie, hiding your true self, desperate to find your meaning, is no way to truly live. My Master took my choices, took my body, took my mind, and in return, I am happy to serve him. I have the life I have always wanted, and my identity is captured by one word: slave.