Thoughtful or Thoughtless

“Which is better, to love a beautiful woman on the surface, or dare to love a woman’s inward beauty?”


Men for the longest time, have debated whether a woman is better to have good looks, or a good mind. That’s not to say that women possess one or the other, but many times, one is preferred over the other. This debate has gone on and on, with many people feeling that there can be no conclusion. Any failure to see the true conclusion of this debate however, is in the sight of the man. Often, the man looks to his own experience to figure this debate out, but a true man, to find the answer, must look to the past. We find that the past is a good teacher, at least, when it comes to the desires of men, and how women are to be handled. That’s not to say the majority of instances are correct, but rather, given the correct circumstances, the answer is often the same. Better yet, the answer is suitable to both men and women alike.

Examining the mistresses of Kings, one comes to a startling find. When it comes to the position of Maitresse de Titre, the women often have the same trait above all others. A Royal Mistress, to the point of appointment and power, was a woman to be recognized and respected, holding the keys to the kingdom. A King had the choice of any woman in the kingdom, and yet, time after time, women of beauty didn’t last. Very rarely, did a woman of beauty ever make it past one night in the King’s bed. A woman who was pretty to look at, was not a joy to talk to, was not a pleasure to indulge with, and after time, grew quite boring. Arguably this would be true with any man in the same position, and can be assumed true today. What excites men at the core, does not change century to century, but rather, remains the same.

No, the position of Royal Mistress was reserved for the most thoughtful of women. Time after time, a King would endure the teasing of having an “ugly” mistress. Having forgone the most beautiful of women, a King was more delighted in the plain but intelligent girl. What truly filled the King’s chambers at night, was conversation, occasionally followed by passion. It was not uncommon for a woman to seduce the King with talks of architecture, decorating, or even politics. Surprisingly, many women found themselves a refreshing source of comfort to a tired King. Often times, a King found himself truly in love, despite the plain face that jumped at his word to meet him. What truly captured the heart of a man, despite time, countries, and position, was the intelligence and kindness of a woman.

For each man, the beauty of a woman in such a position was different. Some fell in love with her smile, others the way the mistress held a conversation, and above all else, the way she could make a man feel singled out. Because of the inward beauty of a woman’s mind, the King often found that she was second in power only to his whim. To imagine, that at times, the Mistress de Titre was at one time, a common woman, captures the potential of an educated woman,  Status to a woman at one time, was even more important than it was to a man. A woman’s best chance at survival was her position, and the best way to survive, was the seducing intelligence of a Royal Mistress.

At times, diplomatic incidents could be started, all over the latest Royal Mistress. The whims of a man’s passions ensured that beauty could get a woman much, but it was temporary. Long term, a woman had to be more than just beautiful. A true woman worth keeping, worth enjoying, had to be mindful and thoughtful, forward in her thinking. That was true then with the desire of Kings, and it is true today to the common man. It matters little how much times have changed, or what standard an educated woman is held to. The truth of the matter remains the same, that a woman is best valued for what she truly has to offer. To put it bluntly, any woman can lay there for a man to have his way. It is quite another woman that cares to know the depth of a man’s heart, and what truly heightens his desire.

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